Terms – Landing Page Optimization

Ensuring the best possible conversion rates and lead generation techniques are the goals of most landing pages, but they shouldn’t be associated with trickery, misleading the user or any other form of improper and frowned upon usages of internet/inbound marketing.  A lead that has been pressured or deceived into thinking they’re getting something that you don’t intend to deliver on is no better than not getting that lead in the first place.  They’ll likely leave in a hurry once they don’t get what they came for.  A landing page should be clear, concise and to the point – and deliver on all of its promises.  In order to help you understand the most common associated words with the creation and optimization of landing pages, we put together a glossary with in-depth definitions of each term.

What is the Definition of…

A/B Testing

Also commonly referred to as “split testing,” A/B testing is the process of testing two different variations of a data or content set which may include: titles, images, keywords, ad copy or landing page templates in order to find which performs better for the desired outcome(s).

Above the Fold

This is the part of the landing page that a visitor first sees when landing on the page.  Above the fold refers to the content that is shown from top to bottom that fits within their resolution in the browser and before the user scrolls down the page.

Authority Endorsement

Often used to build trust, using authority brands or figures allows for instant visual proof of credibility.  You may be familiar with businesses and landing pages which list popular brand names that they’ve worked with as a way to show that an authority source has placed trust in them or reviewed their product or service.

Anxiety Elements

Certain characteristics of a landing page may be inducing anxiety in your visitors which in turn affects conversion rates.  Some examples of anxiety elements include no guarantees, no return policy, absence of encouraging words like ‘risk free’ and lots of fine print.  Anxiety elements should be corrected and avoided wherever possible.

Benefit Reinforcement

Landing pages are designed to walk a visitor through the stage of information gathering to seeking more information, and finally through a conversion (often filling out of a form). One element that is critical is benefit reinforcement, which means to provide elements that state why the visitor wants to engage in the action you wish them to complete. This is often done through words describing what they’ll get and why they need it.

Bounce Rate

The term bounce rate is used frequently during landing page optimization as it refers to the visitors who click back or exit a website without being a finalized lead through filling out the desired form or other action.  A high bounce rate is bad.

Call-To-Action (CTA)

One of the most important aspects of a landing page is the various elements of call to actions.  These are the most prominent areas on the page and are often surrounded with bold colors and large text.  They include phrases such as “Get My Free Report” or big and brightly colored buttons (ie: orange).  Call to actions guide the visitor and encourage action.

Catch Phrase/Title

This is the first part of text that is above the fold and grabs the attention of the visitor.  This title should be informative and persuasive to encourage the visitor to spend more time on the page and eventually become a lead.

Control Page

The control page refers to the landing page or current website page where traffic is being directed.  It is the page that needs to be improved with proper landing page techniques in order to improve conversions.

Conversion Rate

Another frequently used term for landing pages is the conversion rate of the landing page.  This is the rate that a visitor on the page converts into the desired action and becomes a warm lead.  Optimizations done to a landing page are done to improve the conversion rate.


Written content in the form of ad copy or text that is used for advertising and marketing for a person, product, company or other idea.  Copywriting is highly specialized and connects, answers underlying questions and encourages the reader to engage in the desired action of a campaign.

Cumulative Optimization Gain

When a list of several optimizations are carried out on a landing page that leads to higher conversions after split testing; this is known as cumulative optimization gain.  Many elements of a landing page work in unison to provide a more effective marketing tool.

The Funnel

A landing page’s elements all combine to make up the funnel.  The funnel is the steps from the time the visitor lands on the page until the time they reach the bottom of the funnel and become a lead.  A diagram would show the visitor entering the wide or top part of a funnel and being ‘squeezed’ into the small end of the funnel when they become a lead.

Guarantee Images

The inclusion of images is a proven method for increasing conversions.  Guarantee images take that a step further and provide a visual sense of security because they instill within the visitor trust, association and credibility.  These elements are extremely important to prevent being categorized as spam or fake offers.

Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

When measuring the performance of an internet marketing campaign that uses a landing page; KPI or key performance indicators will be the elements that are tracked and monitored throughout goal attainment. KPI is data that tells a story on what areas may need improvement and which are currently excelling.

Landing Page Friction

Just as friction prevents optimal speed and efficiency in vehicles, friction on a landing page detracts from a clear concise route on the page and conversion percentage.  Friction is when aspects of a landing page are doing more harm (limiting conversions) than they are good.  If the page is full of too much copy, has too many distractions, or other elements, it may lower the conversion rate.

Landing Page Template

A template is a pre-made landing page that is setup for quick and easy customization in order to brand it for a specific business and to market it towards a specific audience.  Things that can be edited easily are text, images and videos, while the layout and design remain the same.

Landing Page Optimization

Optimizations done to a landing page are changes made to improve its performance.  They are the metrics and elements that make up a landing page including text, layout, design, images, and much more.


Landing pages are designed in a specific fashion for a reason by catering to how a person navigates and interacts with a web page.  Their layout refers to the design and location of elements on the page.  Different layouts can have profound effects on conversions and bounce rates.

Lead Nurturing

Once a warm lead fills out a form on a landing page, a means of lead nurturing is suggested to keep interest and instill further trust.  Lead nurturing is often done through several automated or manually devised emails that serve as follow ups to the visitor’s initial inquiry.

Mockup or Mock

Mockups refer to a rough representation of a final product.  Mock landing pages may be presented in the form of an image or a live template that shows what the final landing page design could look like.  Mocks are used by internet marketing companies for review and confirmation by a client before a landing page is fully coded and designed.


Usually in the form of a series of horizontal links or buttons at the top of the page, the navigation is a portion of a website that helps visitors navigate to other areas or pages of the website.  Navigation elements should be extremely limited on a landing page as the main purpose is to keep them on the landing page until they become a lead.  Sometimes however navigations can be used effectively through a series of pages that make up a landing page funnel, walking them through steps.

Page Views

The amount of views a particular page received in a set amount of time.  Website analysis and tracking is done to measure the amount of page views during a campaign.  With this information the conversion rate can be calculated by the amount of page views and the amount of conversions.  The more page views, the better the chance for more leads.

Returning Visitor

Not all leads will convert on the first visit to your website or landing page.  Some may save the URL or bookmark it to return to it later.  A returning visitor is a visitor that has come back to your website after their initial discovery of the page.  These visitors are generally highly interested in seeking more information and becoming a lead.


The ROI of your internet marketing campaign is the return on investment.  The return may be in the form of exposure, leads, revenue or a combination of many elements.

Security & Accreditation Seals

Elements that help instill trust and prove to the visitor that the offer is both secure and risk free.  Security and accreditation seals are executed through the implementation of visual images that are located near call-to-action elements; improving conversions and user satisfaction.

SEO Landing Page

There is a distinction between Pay-Per-Click and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for internet marketing, however the same landing page may be used for both.  An SEO landing page is designed for both organic results and for use during PPC campaigns.  Copywriting that is SEO optimized may be used on the landing page to increase rankings in the search results of major search engines like Google.

Statistically Significant Number

The statistically significant number refers to the breadth of data that is required to be collected in order to accurately state the results of a certain test or campaign.  Since many elements work in unison, large groups of data sets may be needed to accurately depict specific results.

Subconscious Techniques

Connecting with the visitor on a subconscious level, answering their questions and providing trust through text, colors, images and video.  Subconscious techniques and optimizations can significantly improve conversion rates.

Test Validation

When a test is undergone, data is used as proof to show that something has been successful or unsuccessful.  Through the use of test validation, future goals and actions can be planned to improve the desired results of the test.

Time on the Page

The time on page refers to the duration of time that a user spends on your landing page from the moment of landing to the point of either converting or leaving.  Time on page is one metric that is measured to show whether or not users are seeking more information or simply leaving right away.

The Treatment Page

A treatment page is a page that has been optimized and is now ready for new testing.  Optimizations are done to improve the performance of a landing page.

User’s Motivation

The user (visitor) who lands on your web page has come there because of some sense of desire or motivation in your product or offer.  Their level of motivation to become a conversion is referred to as the motivation of the visitor or user.  Highly targeted leads will have a higher user motivation.

Value Exchange

Some aggressive internet marketing campaigns will focus on value exchange, or giving the visitor a valuable piece of information or product for free in order to convert them into a lead and harvest their information.  You may see this done in the form of a free book, webinar, trial offer or other product.

Value Proposition

This answers one of the most fundamental questions for a landing page; “what’s in it for me?”  Visitors must be encouraged and have this question answered or else their will to be a conversion will suffer significantly.


When changes are made, or A/B testing is done there may be variations or different sets of images/content/layout and designs used to optimize a landing page to perform better for conversions or to direct the visitor while on the page.

Unique Visitors/Visitors

The amounts of visitors who come to your site during a given time frame are comprised of both unique and returning visitors.  Unique visitors are visitors who have never been to your page or website before.