On page SEO is the process of optimizing a website for relevance surrounding keywords and even geographical location that are central to a business or websites focus. The major search engines parse a websites data via the use of algorithms. Ensuring that all areas of a website are setup correctly and optimized correctly means that that website will have far more authority and relevance when it is parsed. Before any off-page SEO is done, on page should be perfected as it will increase keyword rankings and set the groundwork for off page optimizations. On page SEO involves header markup, titles, site link structure, images, keyword optimized content, meta descriptions, content length, interlinking, bolding, and much more.
Copywriting is the process of generating content that is far more than just filler content for a website. The goal of any website should be to attract and convert. Copywriting follows a strategic outline that is focused on answering questions, providing clear and concise information, alleviating any concerns or issues, and then creating action. The action in this case would be to garner a lead or a new client or customer. Copywriting can also be tailored to support onpage and offpage SEO.
The structure of a website has become increasingly important not just for ease of use but for relevance and search engine crawling. Ensuring that permalinks are setup properly, and that the structure of a website is Silo’d, will mean better search engine rankings and authority. Search engines have what are called “spiders” that crawl the data of a website. Following links and pages that are silo’d means that older pages get crawled more frequently and keyword optimized structure and linking will increase relevance. The greater the relevance a search engine attributes to a website, the better its placement in the search engine results page. Proper structure and setup will also increase the user friendliness of a website, which is crucial to conversions and bounce rates.